Wolfpack Transition Academy

WSHS Vision Statement:


The teachers and administrators of West Shamokin High School will foster an environment where students excel in leadership that exemplifies character, honesty, kindness, and academic integrity.  We will provide opportunities for students to participate in programs inside and outside of the school that will enhance and develop their academic interests further.  The WSHS staff, along with parents, will assist students to take responsibility for their actions and education.  This prepares our students to become responsible contributors to society and the community in which they reside.



Q:  Is there a cost associated with Wolfpack Transition Academy?

A.  No, there is no cost associated with this totally optional and voluntary seminar program.


Q.  What is the purpose of Wolfpack Transition Academy… Why was it developed?

A. Wolfpack Transitional Academy is a supplemental seminar program for our soon to be graduates… Because real life is on the way! National research has shown a need for young adults leaving high school to have a variety of skill sets that are not always taught in the traditional setting or there was not enough time to complete them.  There are a wide variety of skills an individual needs in order to transition from high school to life outside of the friendly confines of West Shamokin.  Wolfpack Transitional Academy is meant to provide additional skills and prepare you for transitioning to the next phase of your life after you leave WSHS.  The focus will be on skill sets you can use to meet your personal goals and prosper in life.


Furthermore, the staff and administration at WSHS are continually working to develop and strengthen the quality of education and experiences provided within our walls and around our campus.  The administration has surveyed past graduates to develop portions of this program.  Their input to what you need is one reason the course was developed.  Wolfpack Transition Academy is an extension of that dedication to assist our students reach their fullest potential and meet our self-created West Shamokin High School Vision Statement.


Q.  When will Wolfpack Transitional Academy meet?

A.  The Wolfpack Transitional Academy will meet in the morning during our regularly scheduled Homeroom Activity periods. The course will meet once during our five day rotation cycle on a day that is open and convenient to the group.


Q. Why should I be interested in participating in Wolfpack Transitional Academy?

A.  Most importantly, Wolfpack Academy is not more school work! The seminar sessions will give you the opportunity to strengthen and prepare you for life after WS in areas many times referred to as “Soft Skills”.  Some of the topics that can be covered are Goal Setting, Self-Regulatory Skills, Help Seeking Behaviors, Metacognitive Strategies, Problem Solving Skills, Academic Perseverance , Positive Academic Mindset, Resume Building, College Exploration, Leadership Skills, Time Management, Career Development , Understanding Ourselves, Critical Thinking, Learning Styles, Expanding Your Emotional Intelligence and others!


Q: Who is teaching this transitional course?

A: While many teachers are more than qualified to lead a seminar of this type, most faculty already have a full schedule of remediation and classroom tutoring at WSHS during our homeroom activity period.  Hence, Dr. Shutters is “teaching”, or more accurately, facilitating the seminar classes. 


Q.  What kind of students is Wolfpack Transitional Academy looking for? Who is a good candidate?

A.  Wolfpack Transitional Academy is looking for any West Shamokin student in grades 11-12 who are any of the following:

            Wanting to prepare for life in college

            Are unsure of what they want to do after they graduate

            Undecided of what college tract to pursue

            Desiring to build their “Soft Skills” before leaving WS

            Wanting to improve their academic ability by learning new skills

            Motivated to succeed and learn new things

            Wanting to build their self confidence


Since this is an optional seminar, the staff is looking for students who are serious about developing themselves and preparing for the future!


So, if you are interested in participating in the Wolfpack Transitional Academy, please provide the following information to Dr. Shutters.




Instructor:  Dr. Shutters                                                                                                        Email Address: [email protected]

Telephone:  724-783-7040                                                                                                     Available:  By Appointment or during Activity Period


Why You're Here, What is This All About?
Wolfpack Transition Academy is meant to help you prepare for your future and learn the skills you'll need to make it through real life.  Real life is nothing like high school… thankfully! 

About Assignments
Well, they are not really assignments... they are more like exercises.  The majority of the exercises in the program are called Portfolio Assignments. There will be 1-2 of these per unit, which will be collected in your Transition Portfolio.  You will keep these and have them for future reference.

About the Portfolio
You will not have quizzes, unit tests, or exams. Instead, you'll put together a Transition Portfolio, which is made up of your Portfolio Assignments from each unit. 
About Grading
The good news is… there is no grades!  Wolfpack Transition Academy is not a credit earning course... it is about making you better prepared for life.  The seminars you participate in are for your personal growth and development.  All exercises in the seminars are complete or incomplete. That means instead of "A, B, C, D, F," your assignments and portfolios will be marked as "C" or "I" and given feedback for your use.  There is no grading scale in life, so there is no grading scale the seminar assignments/exercises. You either pass the activity or you reload and try again until you are proficient... and you will be proficient!

How to Turn in Exercises
Your assignments should be turned in to Dr. Shutters through his school email address at
[email protected] or in the form of a printed hard copy.